
耶 我滿20歲生日囉!!! 
今天真是太快樂了,雖然今年的生日跟平常感覺有點不一樣,但是就是很快樂! 可能跟老朋友吃飯吧, 都好久沒見面了, 但還是聊得很起勁, 聊到餐廳服務生來趕人, 沒關係壓, 麥當勞真是個續ㄊㄨㄚ的好地方! 大家可以放聲大笑的聊國中的趣事,真好玩! 希望以後還是可以跟大家這麼好, 真不想去高雄離大家這麼遠....不過我回來一定會在大家出來低!!(誰叫有人每次都以我明義說要要辦同學會!!!哈哈)
由左而右 上圖:何宣穎, 許齡之, 蔡佳瓴, Me, 王緻君, 鄭淵心, 朱芳葶, 褚又綝

I dont know how to say this paragraph in Chinese.....I was worried that I havent seen everyone for so long and I dont know what i should talk about....especially, I'm the only one havent in college yet! Well, I'm glad I brought my exchange student pictures with me and told them about all my memories. It was fun sharing those with you guys! I think i should be really thankful tomy parents,who gave me the 2nd chance to go abroad again. It really made my life changed a little bit, and I should change the rest of it on my own.
The second thing I wanna say is that I talked to my two best friend I met in Poland on the phone! It was sooooo great to hear thier voice and talked about ourselves! It was exciting speaking French to my friend Laurence's mom in Quebec(i mean i need to talk to them in French at the begining through her mom!!!) And, I talked with Laurence in Polish like we usually did for almost 25 mins!)  I thought it wouldnt be that smooth since i havent spoken Polish for a month!!! Really, i'm so freaking happy! 
I also want to say thank you to those people who wished me happy birthday, like on FACEBOOK,and gave me the SMS and called me.

Thank you all being my friends! I love you!



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